Thursday, September 13, 2007

World's most semiotic nation?

Sadly, the Turks in 2007 are almost always right in 'detecting the enemy' through semiotics like in the 1970s


The other day's top story in the Turkish Daily News was headlined "World's most virile nation" and naturally was referring to the Turks who, according to a study, have the highest average of partners in the world. The findings of the survey may or may not be true. But there is convincing empirical evidence that the Turks are probably the world's most "semiotic" nation.

It began with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic that is today sadly fading away according to some, and, to others, is just restoring itself. Atatürk was probably the only great leader of his time with a genuine obsession about the semiotics of headwear; so passionate of an obsession that its traces live on almost a century later.
