Thursday, February 7, 2008

The semiotics of campaign buttons

By Knute Berger I've been fascinated with presidential campaign buttons all my life — or at least since I was a tyke who ran through the house wearing an Eisenhower flasher hollering "I yike Ike!" in 1956, a campaign junky at age 3. Every four years, I find myself scrutinizing TV coverage of campaign victory (and concession) parties to see how the faithful are expressing their political passions on their blouses and lapels.

One type of button can tell you a lot about the candidate and their supporters: It's the genre of pin that features the candidate and a picture of a famous predecessor or other historical figure. Pictures of presidential aspirants are often paired with the likes of Washington, Jefferson, one of the Roosevelts, or John F. Kennedy. It's all just to help you see them in the glorious glow cast by the great men of history.



Scott Abbott said...

Don Lavange showed me a youtube video today with a very sexy woman extolling the virtues of Huckabee, including his ability to dismiss evolution without using reason(s).

She wears a t-shirt that says